Your Enemy List
We're apparently living in a deeply divided society. A multitude of studies seem to confirm that life in general — not just politics — has become extremely polarised in America.
We're apparently living in a deeply divided society. A multitude of studies seem to confirm that life in general — not just politics — has become extremely polarised in America.
Fiat money wrecks the culture in many ways. By creating near-permanent price inflation, the value of both your earnings and savings are reduced, thus nudging you into a short-term perspective.
A prominent topic that economics students anywhere cannot avoid is market failure. Students everywhere are taught that the free market is inherently unstable and causes problems that can only be fixed through legislation and regulation. As a result, most of those who take an economics class come out of it believing that the state helps
Are we are facing nuclear Armageddon? Can Trump get peace with an Israel-first war cabinet? Will inflation eat the poor and middle-class?…
The World Economic Forum, comprised of an impressive list of heads of state, politicians, government bureaucrats, CEOs, NGOS, etc., has become a globalist shadow government.
The Putin-as-Hitler narrative projected in the media accelerated fear, induced acquiescence and rallied Western support for what was essentially a long-standing war scam by the military-industrial-intelligence complex.
3.5 billion people still live without access to safe toilets, including 419 million who still poop outdoors.
Individualism is practically non-existent in present-day America, and that the biggest and most important defection stems from the uncritical support given to the wasteful, dictatorial policy of military-socialism that now prevails.
Thank you for selling fear, more fear, and nothing but fear every second of every day for eight long years.
The strategy is simple yet effective: the best way to control a populace is through fear and discord. Fear makes people stupid.
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