Obedience: Most People are Cowards
How did the "land of the free and home of the brave", so easily turn into the country of obedience and conformity?
Goodbye, America
Trump would slow these changes, reducing regulatory strangleholds here and there without fundamentally changing the course we are on. He won’t and can’t do that because, as necessary as a correction may be, the voters don’t want it.
Under Caesar's Sword
The global persecution of Christians is an urgent human rights issue that remains underreported. This volume presents the results of the first systematic global investigation into how Christians respond to persecution.
Government Counterfeiting Slowly Squeezing Families Dry
Many American families are having trouble making ends meet. It’s no surprise given the value of the dollar has fallen 95% since the Federal Reserve was created. The other big losers those on fixed incomes like the elderly and poor.
How CIA, FBI & British Spies Infiltrated Movies, Music, Art and Everything
The US government has been pulling the levers behind the scenes in Hollywood for decades from backing Louis Armstrong’s jazz to funding…
Central Banks Destroy Civilization
Central banks’ monetary policies are the most perverse government intervention. Their consequences are dire, last for a very long time, and people don’t perceive them as problems or don’t comprehend the damage they are doing.
America Criminalizes and Punishes Way Too Much
The United States is now a world leader when it comes to incarceration.
America Needs Radical Political Change Towards Freedom
It should not have escaped the politically aware that the threats to freedom in Western societies are now unprecedented. This goes far beyond the interventionist pressures that over time have been slowly throttling most Western economies.