Sleepwalking Into Tyranny
When did legislative issues become executive orders? For a long time now, each and every administration has worked to enhance executive powers. Over time, power has transferred from the legislature to the executive.
When did legislative issues become executive orders? For a long time now, each and every administration has worked to enhance executive powers. Over time, power has transferred from the legislature to the executive.
Donald Trump is a strong believer in protective tariffs, and this is very bad news for those of us who support the free market. In Trump’s opinion, tariffs are a great idea. Here is what he said about them in an interview last month: “Trump has proposed a 10 percent across-the-board tariff on all imports
Becoming ungovernable is a decision... that you will not allow any outside force to dictate how you think or behave... that the…
A prominent topic that economics students anywhere cannot avoid is market failure. Students everywhere are taught that the free market is inherently unstable and causes problems that can only be fixed through legislation and regulation. As a result, most of those who take an economics class come out of it believing that the state helps
Our politicians have been unified not over a commitment to let Americans buy what they want and sell to whomever they like, but behind government-brokered and government-subsidized trade enforced by multinational organizations like the WTO, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund.
The nation-states that have dominated the political landscape since the Renaissance, and even back in some cases to the ancient world, are…
In truth, the bipartisan establishment’s trumpeting of “free trade” since World War II fosters the opposite of genuine freedom of exchange. The establishment’s goals and tactics have been consistently those of free trade’s traditional enemy, “mercantilism”.
It should not have escaped the politically aware that the threats to freedom in Western societies are now unprecedented. This goes far beyond the interventionist pressures that over time have been slowly throttling most Western economies.
The Ron Paul Liberty Report interviews author James Bovard. Last Rights: "The Death of American Liberty." Americans today have the “freedom” to…
Farming is as ancient as humanity itself. The idea that it is somehow bad, that even simple gardening is bad for the…
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