Over my lifetime, talk of a so-called 'Judeo-Christian' tradition seems to have replaced that of WASPs and/or simply Anglo-Saxons. This needs to stop.
Because there is no such thing as 'Judeo-Christian' anything!
Christians and Jews do not believe the same things. Not even when in comes to the first five books of the Old Testament. The differences are profound. Judaism has more in common with Islam, quite frankly, than it does with Christianity.
The Jews expected a redeemer to come out of Zion; Christianity affirmed that a redeemer had come out of Zion, but that he had come... for all mankind. Judaism denied that claim. -- Arthur A. Cohen, The myth of the Judeo-Christian Tradition, p. xi.
Christian Zionism, and the dispensationalism it's based on, are modern heresies.
There is no ‘Judeo-Christian’ tradition
The Jerusalem Post editorial on January 7 spoke of the “Judeo-Christian tradition.” That fabled tradition does not exist, nor does the “Judeo-Christian ethic.” Though sharing a common origin in the Hebrew Scriptures, the two faiths read the scriptural texts differently. They believe in God, but view Him through different lenses. They each have a story, but they are not the same. They each have a concept of man, but they are not the same. They are both ethical religions, but with separate ideas of man’s nature, salvation and destiny.
For Christianity, Jesus is central; in Judaism he does not figure even though he was a Jew. Christianity, says Leo Baeck, prefers the “finished statement” of dogma: Judaism, the “unending process of thought.” Judaism and Christianity both claim to be true, but they have rival versions of the truth.
It's all part and parcel of the Neocon destruction of what we once knew as America...
The Myth of ‘Judeo-Christianity,’ Explained
After the United States entered World War II in 1941, the phrase “Judeo-Christian” really took off. And Judeo-Christianity, the idea that Jewish and Christian traditions hold sacred similar values and traditions, came to define America itself and its global responsibility. Historian Jonathan Sarna writes in American Judaism: A History that interfaith groups popularized the term to define America in “more inclusive religious terms” so as to combat antisemitism and anti-Catholicism. The term was meant to include America’s “three faiths”: Protestantism, Catholicism, and Judaism, and became a way to signal a fight against fascism.
But when the phrase really took off was after World War II, in the context of the Cold War. The Cold War, for those who are unfamiliar, was the period of tension/rivalry/sometimes actual war between the U.S. and its allies and the Soviet Union from around 1947 to 1991. The U.S. viewed it as a fight between democracy and communism.
If you believe that the modern State of Israel, built by the Rothschilds (Rothschilds' words, not mine), represents the fulfillment of God’s covenant with His "chosen people", you are rejecting Christ.
Think about it. Dispensationalists believe Jesus' church will fail, be raptured away... blah, blah, blah... returning both Jew (chosen) and Gentile (pagan) to Mosaic Judaism.
I guess we all become Pharisees... or Essenes ??? It's nuts.
It's also collectivist, aka leftwing.
The Zionist Connection
[Kamala] Harris’ husband is a mega-wealthy lobbyist and litigator who made his fortune promoting and defending the socialist/Marxist agenda within the entertainment and media industries, which we all know are dominated by Zionists.
Here is the big disconnect among evangelical Christians and conservatives: They don’t understand that socialism, Marxism, communism and Zionism are one and the same. I repeat: They are one and the same. (And all of it depends on the undergirding financial assistance from their mega-rich partners of crony capitalists.)
Karl Marx was a Zionist. Joseph Stalin was a Zionist. Vladimir Lenin was a Zionist. The communist revolution in Russia was a Zionist-led revolution. And the push for Marxism in America today is being facilitated by powerful Zionist toadies such as Kamala Harris’ husband, Douglas Emhoff.
Coincidental neocons?
Against Catholic Zionism
Too many Christians, especially evangelical fundamentalists, falsely pretend that the return of Jews to their ancestral homeland is part of a messianic fulfillment. Such false prophecy and false doctrine uses God’s name in vain for illegal settlements and activity. This essay explains why much of today’s Zionism misunderstands God’s promises of the Land to Abraham. It wishes to show the magnitude of the situation.
... Jesus and His work must not be denied or watered down. Catholics want Jews safe and protected, but we also cannot tolerate the violation of innocent non-Jews and their rights.
This is much bigger, and significantly more important than mere politics. It does, however, hold great influence over American politics.
- Stalin’s responsibility in the creation of Israel and its disastrous consequences
- How a Founding Socialist Inspired Karl Marx, and Then Went on to Herald the State of Israel
- "Left Behind"? Sure Hope So!
- For Fear of the Jews
No State is your ally. Especially when you don't live under its rule.
America first.