The 'Judeo-Christian' Myth
The idea that Jewish Christian traditions hold similar values and traditions is a myth. Judaism has more in common with Islam.
The idea that Jewish Christian traditions hold similar values and traditions is a myth. Judaism has more in common with Islam.
The global persecution of Christians is an urgent human rights issue that remains underreported. This volume presents the results of the first systematic global investigation into how Christians respond to persecution.
The proxy war in Ukraine, is primarily an ideological or religious war, with Russia representing what's left of Christianity, and “the West” representing a totalitarian ideology that abhors religion, particularly Christianity.
Good job, Christians! Soon, the civic religion will be the only game in town.
Life in America keeps getting weirder by the day. The House Passes H.R. 6090: A Threat to the Christian Faith and an…
Being July 4th, let's take another look at that "slavish ritual of devotion to the state, " known as the Pledge of…
Wait a minute... Are you telling me that plants love carbon dioxide (CO2)? Whoda thunk it?
I have never understood why American conservatives get so amped up over the pledge. I mean, it's hardly a secret that the…
As Below, So Above Dr. James Lindsay explains how this principle is a driver of what he calls the “Secret Religions of…
The Negation of the Real If you want to impose a totalitarian system, you have a problem on your hands: reality. The…
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