How FDR Spawned an Age of Inflation
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) confiscated (stole) the private gold holdings of ordinary Americans and defaulted on the promise to redeem US dollars in gold.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) confiscated (stole) the private gold holdings of ordinary Americans and defaulted on the promise to redeem US dollars in gold.
The penny phenomenon is good example of what the federal government — and, specifically, the Federal Reserve — has done to our…
DOGE should have discovered by now that we need to eliminate the federal government altogether. Or at the very least, they should bring on Ron Paul
Hamiltonian mercantilism is essentially the economic and political system that Americans have lived under for several generations now: a king-like president who rules through “executive orders” and disregards any and all constitutional constraints on his powers; state governments that are mere puppets of the central government; and corporate welfare run amok.
Many American families are having trouble making ends meet. It’s no surprise given the value of the dollar has fallen 95% since the Federal Reserve was created. The other big losers those on fixed incomes like the elderly and poor.
Governments have of necessity been experts in the art of stealing. Inflation (counterfeiting) is their highest art form because it's so insidious.
The fiat money system, the creation of money through circulation credit expansion, has brought about a new kind of debt slavery on a grand scale.
Central banks’ monetary policies are the most perverse government intervention. Their consequences are dire, last for a very long time, and people don’t perceive them as problems or don’t comprehend the damage they are doing.
Strike at the root. End the Federal Reserve banking cartel today! Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie Receives Strong Support for Bill to Abolish…
“How 1971 Changed Relationships Forever (We were Never The Same)” is the single best presentation on inflation and its cultural affects ever produced.
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