Mockingbird Media News Roundup

  • Post category:News

Trust in the mainstream media is at an all-time low and just keeps sinking. They are just flabbergasted about it too. What went wrong?

Alexander Hamilton: The Founding Father of Crony Capitalism

Hamiltonian mercantilism is essentially the economic and political system that Americans have lived under for several generations now: a king-like president who rules through “executive orders” and disregards any and all constitutional constraints on his powers; state governments that are mere puppets of the central government; and corporate welfare run amok.

Intro: Subversive Elites Attack

The Western world is in the grips and under the control of “subversive elites.” With inordinate power and influence, these people aren’t naturally superior but have as their object the undermining of Western civilization.

Fascist Italy

Falling in love with fascist Italy. The Italian “Corporatist” System So-called “corporatism” as practiced by Mussolini and revered by so many intellectuals…