Whistleblower Alleges Secret UFO Retrieval Program
Seems to me to be another psyop is in the works. What do you think?
Seems to me to be another psyop is in the works. What do you think?
Interesting... Former deputy national security adviser, K.T. McFarland, told FBN's Maria Bartiromo that she believes the CIA, FBI and intelligence community at…
Jane Fonda blames 'White men' for climate crisis, calls to 'arrest and jail' them Jane Fonda blamed men – and racism –…
I have never understood why American conservatives get so amped up over the pledge. I mean, it's hardly a secret that the…
This is from 4 years ago! Watch and listen to them all follow the same (propaganda) script.
In a recent discussion with Dr. Jordan Peterson, Naomi Wolf shared her journey from a young woman with original ambitions to a…
The Gateway Pundit Interviews Democratic Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Dr. James Lindsay, 'Woke, a culture war against Europe', at the European Parliament on March 30, 2023.
Inflation is a brutal tax on the poor. The Federal Reserve: Enemy of American Workers According to numbers released by the US…
The Negation of the Real If you want to impose a totalitarian system, you have a problem on your hands: reality. The…
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