The Enemy Within
Ceatures of Trotsky, Strauss and Machiavelli, Neocons operate as the political/intellectual arm of the CIA.
Ceatures of Trotsky, Strauss and Machiavelli, Neocons operate as the political/intellectual arm of the CIA.
The United States has turned into a death cult. Seriously. During my life time, anyway, abortion and war have been American's top…
"Christ is King!" These 3 words got Candace Owens fired from the Daily Wire. Claim: Candace Owens Was Fired From The Daily…
This story is just nuts. UPDATE: Is This The REAL REASON She Was SILENCED By The Elites? And I'm totally on Candace…
Black Sabbath's antiwar anthem, War Pigs, is brilliant on so many levels, but I love the imagery. War is Satanic. It is…
Wow! Tucker Carlson just hit it out of the park... by like a mile and a half! Go Tucker, go! Nobody…
Shortly after becoming president, Dwight Eisenhower claimed that "every gun made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies theft from those who…
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