How Britain Supported Zionism and Prevented Palestinian Freedom
British rule in Palestine during the 1920s and 1930s enabled Zionist colonisation at the expense of Palestinians.
British rule in Palestine during the 1920s and 1930s enabled Zionist colonisation at the expense of Palestinians.
Why does American Big Business go along with the clowns at the WEF? Why do these billion dollar companies fund leftwing causes,…
On June 8, 1967, on a spy mission in the Mediterranean Sea, the USS Liberty was attacked by Israeli forces. About a…
The Putin-as-Hitler narrative projected in the media accelerated fear, induced acquiescence and rallied Western support for what was essentially a long-standing war scam by the military-industrial-intelligence complex.
As family and friends and neighbors argue Red Team v Blue Team, the Global Elite keep marching everyone towards WWIII. The reality…
On September 27th, with a huge election just weeks away, the Department of Defense (DOD) quietly gave itself permission to use lethal…
Holding the CIA to public account is of course a steep uphill struggle. Presidents and the Congress don’t even try. The mainstream media don’t investigate the CIA, preferring instead to quote “senior unnamed officials” and the official cover-up.
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The official 9/11 narrative is a crazy conspiracy, but the response to it has done far more damage to America than whomever the perpetrators were could ever do.
Rather than ushering in liberal democracy, Obama’s regime change marked the start of an ongoing era of chaos, with some of the greatest resulting evils inflicted on black Africans.
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