Candace vs. Everybody

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This story is just nuts.


And I'm totally on Candace Owens side.

So, this weirdo, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, has been making obnoxious posts and videos attacking Candace Owens over the last two years. That's a long time.

Who is Rabbi Shmuley?

Best I can tell, Shmuley's just your typical fame seeking charlatan of the modern era. He writes sex books, peddles sex toys with his daughter, and of course, incessantly attacks a young black conservative woman on social media.

I think he's a strange and creepy dude. Because... two years??? Sure does look a lot like a dirty old man stalking an attractive young woman...

I'm just sayin'.

The video above shows a clip where Candace had clearly been offended. Sure, she's always poised, amazingly so, but watch her face and you'll see what I mean.


But she's a Christian, so her feelings don't matter.


Personally, this whole Jewish soap opera offends me!


Can't berate Soros. Can't criticize bankers. Epstein Island? Hollywood... shut your mouth... Anyone or anything even remotely related to Jews... FORBIDDEN.

These are just communist speech codes, enforced by the Left... and the alleged Right.

I find a lot of Jewish religious beliefs offensive. Does that mean I should I start calling Jews racist?

No. Of course not.

That's as stupid as the way they spit the word antisemite in everyone else's face. Because they have no other argument. Slander is all they've got.

What does religion have to do with race anyway? Is Jewish even a race? Or is it a religion? When are we talking about what? Does anybody on the outside know?

Israel is not a people, a race, nor a religion. Israel is a State, which is an organization defined by its monopoly on the use of violence. And it should certainly be criticized accordingly.

But Schmuley and the Daily Wire crowd continue escalating their stupidity. Handling it like a bunch of high schoolers.

Ben Shapiro is an offensive little twerp. I've never understood his appeal. I thought he was a kid in his twenties, until I learned otherwise during this kerfuffle. I thought what he said about Candace and her education, btw, was much more racist than anything Candace ever said.

Does Ben really want to play this stupid game?

Get out of the game!

Christians should give Ben Shapiro, Judas Andrew Klaven, Jeremy Boreing, along with the rest of the snowflakes who turned on their friend the Bud Light treatment.

When will Christians stop bowing to this false religion and its false prophets?

Truth is, the Jews just aren't into you. The Talmud is not much better than the Quran when it comes to Christians.

Dontcha know? Christians must understand that for Jews the cross is a symbol of oppression!

They're tired of your "oppressive Christmas climate" too.

The masks are off.

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