What's So Conservative About Race, War and Ruin?

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The struggles we face in this nation are legion, but the biggest should be obvious. Let's see here... What could a few of those Big Problems be?

It's hard to get ahead. We pay more taxes than ancient serfs ever did. What remains of our earnings after taxes, gets eaten up by inflation, which also reduces our savings and squeezes the budgets of the retired and poor.

Another serious problem is that we live under a lawless, runaway government, whose politicians "don't give a damn" about their own constituents, yet spend those same constituents earnings like drunken sailors a bunch of crackheads.

And of course, those War Pigs cost a fortune in liberty, treasure and blood.

Oh, wait... Nevermind.

Just don't look here. You conspiracy nut, you.

The problem is, of course, IDENTITY!

The Nation of Theseus: What Is American Nationalism?

And while the founders were almost all either Anglo-Saxon, the first immigration act opened the country to all “free whites of good character.” Thomas Jefferson even toyed with the idea of allowing “Mohammedans” into America. This laid the seeds of the identity crisis that America is in today.

This Theseus thesis has already lost me.

Because, quite frankly... ALL of the stupid ideas that are responsible for ALL of the stupid problems mentioned above (and then some), were supported and passed by a bunch of stupid ass, old school Anglo-Saxon Whiteys!

And let me tell ya somethin', this particular Cracker ain't all that impressed...

The Right just keeps on following the Left further to the left... Hence, the beta-male cries for "leadership" in conservative circles (freeman lead themselves).

Now they offer "An Echo, Not A Choice." It's all progressivism these days!

Immigration certainly IS a problem. It's the unfortunate consequence of waging decades of needless imperial wars. It's also because of the deliberate actions of the State (aka your "leaders").

Skin-color arguments are stupid from the get-go. As if people are like insects and our skin-tone determines our thoughts and actions.

Polylogism. It's What the Nazis Borrowed from Marx!

This is "rightwing" acceptance of that looney, absolutely bat shit crazy Critical Race Theory nonsense.

Skin is a fucking distraction...

We the People arguing gibberish.

Meanwhile, the bastards and criminals who should be held accountable (yet never will), keep on screwing all of us - every color, sex, size, fetish, party, psychiatric disorder, etc. - right up the ass!

Kinda fits with the times, huh?

So anxious to take a different path, conservatives are throwing in the towel. Fighting the Left from the Left, they can only help drag the rest of us down into the Leftwing Void.

Real nationalism is felt instinctually, not simply justified by facts.

Do you mean patriotism? Love of the people, land and culture? Or nationalism, love of the State, Empire and Praetorian Guard?

What unites a German-American frontiersman who is fighting Indians, an Irish-American Yankee soldier, and an Italian-American GI storming the beach at Peleliu?


But war... War?

In the words of Angelo M. Codevilla,

Common sense does not mistake the difference between victory and defeat: the losers weep and cower, while the winners strut and rejoice. The losers have to change their ways, the winners feel more secure than ever in theirs... It means not changing the tradition by which the government of the United States treats citizens as its masters rather than as potential enemies.

Each and every Glorious War has drastically changed "the tradition by which the government of the United States treats citizens."

All un-American changes, in my not so humble opinion. Each and every war has burdened the people, reduced their liberty, and ultimately changed the culture for the worst.

Crazy I think that way, huh? I mean, we look so similar and everything...

Perhaps this red-blooded Hun - that's an American of German decent in case you went government school - sees things a bit differently. We came here to get away from the psychopathic grand-planners and pathetic teetotaling busybodies, not for more of the same.

Being that my other pasty-white geneological half is, Mick... Well, that doesn't help your cause either.

War rips people apart.

This red-blooded American White boy was, of course, purged during your Glorious War of 9/11 too.

Conservatives always purge to their right. Respectability and all that jazz.

War, with all of its death, destruction and purging, after all, is actually wonderfully unifying...


The closest thing to a real struggle in the modern age that had the potential to bind Americans into a distinct people once again were the events of September 11, 2001. For a brief period, patriotism, American chauvinism, and the idea of the West being in a clash of civilizations was normalized even in the liberal cities

The transformation is complete.

This is straight up, bona-fide 1930s progressivism.

Go Francis Bellamy, go!

...there must be another defining struggle in which everyone has real skin in the game.

The Solution to our ills is death?

Abortion, Euthanasia and War.

America's Cult of Death.

As We Go Marching...

Being exclusionary by design, there's simply no way to trust you won't purge and purge again.

So, how long do we have, before the Glorious War on Micks and Huns is declared?

Everything my great-grandparents tried to escape... everything my grandparents warned me about... has come to America... waiving the American flag.

You want to regress back into the European cultures our ancestors escaped?

No. Fucking. Way.

This whole thing just reeks of fascism. The stench is disgusting. You're pissing on my grandfather's grave.

Do you understand?

Probably not.

Maybe conservatives need to start questioning that pagan faith they've been practicing... and get back to Jesus again, instead.

Not a joke.

The Not So Strange Death of Religious Liberty.

The biggest mistake conservatives have made, over and over again too, is their singular focus on Democrats and their constituents. Missing the trees while yelling at the forest.

Leftwinger's are gonna leftwing. But they'd have never gained an inch, if it wasn't for the help of the respectable conservative cavalry.

Truth is, the entire federal state apparatus, including it's Republican vs Democrat dialectic, even the conservative-admired Military Industrial Complex is against us. None of it is rightwing or conservative... or even liberal anymore.

The gloves are off.

There are no white hats.

The Revolution has come, gone and passed you by. And as liberty dies, so does America.

Live and let live... Mind your own business... Let's work together... God helps those who help themselves... is the American culture I know and love. Liberty is, in fact, what made the U.S. unique and bountiful. American liberty was the global exception.

Yet today, both the Left and Right appear united in snuffing out liberty... kinda weird, huh?

It's time to accept the truth. You've been lied to about, well, pretty much everything. Yet you still believe most of it.

Think about the history of modern American conservative thought, which really began in earnest with William F. Buckley Jr., of the CIA.

In light of what you know now... Go ahead. Think about that for awhile.

Buckley was recruited at Yale, by the Trotskyite Willmoore Kendall (OSS/CIA), who also introduced Buckley to another "former" Trotskyite, James Burnham (OSS)... just a couple of All-American conservative boys... sure.

Prior to Buckley's National Review, conservatives were hostile to centralized power, hated FDR, and opposed foreign wars. The left was pro all of it. By 2001, the entire conservative cannon was flipped on its head.

Know your enemy.

Think about the CIA itself... which is accountable to NOBODY, lacks any Constitutional authority whatsoever, and brazenly does whatever the fuck it wants. They dominate the news, entertainment and technology industries... they even control the past.

Congress is not only powerless over them, they're terrified of the CIA.


And that's just a short list of lies and atrocities executed against We the People... and not by melanin.

Chasing power... over an Empire crumbling under debt and has (quite deservedly) lost the confidence of it's people.

POWER in the hands of a select few people, that is... Not exactly libido dominandi, unfortunately, it's more like libido submissio.

So much for being the home of the brave...

The Revolutionary generation fought against power, not to obtain more. Nobody took the risks involved in packing up their family and coming here, looking for a more powerful Leviathan.

I owe a lot of people, just like you owe them too. I owe them the honor of continuing their quest for liberty.


Right now, grouping up by skin, you're right where they want you. Fighting the people they want you to fight... promoting the power they so much enjoy.

I will not hang my head in shame and waive the white flag of surrender.

My ancestors left Europe for good reason. I do not want any of it back.

"Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death!"

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