Seriously. It is the state and its minions who should be surveilled, not the people.
Age Of Transparency: We Need Mass Surveillance Of Governments Instead Of Citizens
The ultimate goal of the leftist/globalist apparatus is to drag the western world back into the dark ages of feudal control, all while regaling us with futurist fantasies of “progress”. Freedom (with responsibility and wisdom) is progress. Globalism is the opposite of freedom and the opposite of progress.
When the political left sees an audit of the apparatus they have spent a century constructing, what they see is the end of their totalitarian dreams. Why? Because evil cannot survive in sunlight, evil requires the protection of the dark. An authoritarian system or technocracy cannot survive if it faces constant scrutiny from the population it means to dominate.
The elites must be able to steal from the public at will. They must be able to redistribute that wealth to whatever mechanisms they wish without oversight. They must be able to use our labor and our money against us.
They lied. People died. No one should be surprised.
Dr. Deborah Birx Proves Conspiracy Theorists Right AGAIN With Not One but TWO Shocking COVID Admissions
Dr. Deborah Birx seems to be spilling the beans in an effort to save her own skin where COVID is concerned. How kind of her now years later when the damage has already been done to come forward with some truths we already knew.
The same truths they called many of us conspiracy theorists for pushing.
From Oversight to Overlooked: The Government’s Failure to Control Trillions in Misspent Funds
The Government Accountability Office (GAO)... issued a report just last year which estimated that in a span of 20 years... the US Government made $2.7 TRILLION dollars in improper expenditures resulting from overpayments, inaccurate record keeping, and fraud. In fiscal year 2023 alone, GAO determined the federal government improperly dispensed $269 Billion.
Let this sink in for those who are getting the vapors about administrative overreach into sensitive Treasury payment systems: TRILLIONS of our tax dollars have been lost through faulty payment systems.
Protect you? The state exists to exploit you. Agency "capture" is a feature, not a bug.
State Bills Grant Pfizer-Style Immunity to Pesticide Manufacturers That Give People Cancer
This week in “government by special interest,” flyover country is awash in agricultural chemicals — and it’s only going to get flooded harder in the near future if a raft of proposed legislation is any indication.
How Democracy™ works:
Slap a tiny label no one is going to read on your techno-toxin, hide behind the veil of authority of the EPA, and you too can get off scot-free with slaughtering and maiming the peasants with the state seal of approval — provided, obviously, that you have enough cash on hand to divvy out to legislators.
Damn conspiracy theorists.
At least 8 states now have legislative efforts to ban COVID mRNA shots
Efforts are underway in at least eight states to withdraw from the market the experimental mRNA COVID-19 injections that many in America were mandated to take or else risk loss of livelihood or visits with loved ones.
This would truly be a miracle.
Can We Really Cut Half of the Military Budget? You Bet!
The wailing sound you heard last Thursday was the chorus of the Beltway warmongers shrieking in despair at President Trump’s suggestion that there was no reason for the United States to be spending one trillion dollars on “defense.”
“…[O]ne of the first meetings I want to have is with President Xi of China and President Putin of Russia, and I want to say let’s cut our military budget in half. And we can do that, and I think we’ll be able to do that,” the President told reporters.
With this statement, President Trump blew up one of the biggest myths of our time, particularly among Republicans, that spending more on the military is essential to keeping us safe. There is a vast and well-funded network of political and industrial interests that depend on maintaining that myth, from the weapons manufacturers to the mainstream media to the think tanks and beyond. Why? Because most of what is called “defense spending” has little to do with defending this country and a lot to do with enriching the politically well-connected.
Maintaining that global military empire has bankrupted the United States while making us less safe and less free.
Land of the free? Are you sure?
The Disturbing Truth About the Home You Think You Own
Most people thoughtlessly accept property taxes as a normal part of life—like gravity or the sun setting in the west.
Yet, a crucial truth is overlooked: there is no way to fully pay off your property tax obligation.
It never ends — it follows you as long as you own the property, increasing year after year.
This raises fundamental questions:
Do you really own something if you’re forced to make endless, ever-increasing payments just to keep it?
The answer is obvious: No.
You might possess the property, but you don’t truly own it—an important distinction.
Washington, DC is a joke. A very expensive joke that ain't even funny.