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Racing Toward Bankruptcy

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The U.S. federal government is out of control. The federal debt load is simply insane! It won't, it can't go on forever.

I know, I know... we stoopid libertarians, with our sound money and thrift nonsense... just don't get it. Politicians and government bureaucrats, after all, make better, wiser decisions than mere individual consumers and businesses ever would or could.

Looking at today's very real and totally unsustainable mountains of debt, however, one might think it's time to give those libertarian ideas another chance.

Because here's reality... Leftwing Big Government vs. Rightwing Big Government is what got us into this mess. Because, fact: More of the same can only make more of the same... in other words, worse.

The role of government in the United States has gotten way out of control. This has to not only be stopped, but reversed. Right now. Like, yesterday!

Endgame: Interest On US Debt Skyrockets Above $1 Trillion For The First Time Ever

Back in July... we warned that the debt Rubicon was about to be crossed and "US Debt Interest Payments Are About To Hit $1 Trillion."

Fast forward to today when the endgame has apparently arrived: according to the Treasury's own calculations, total interest is now over $1 trillion (or $1.027 trillion to be precise).


Think about that.

It now costs over $1 trillion annually just to service the debt.


1 trillion seconds ago was before Christ.

The National Debt Is a National Security Issue

Despite the Senate's declaration that the national debt is a national security risk and the CBO's attempts to sound the alarm about the federal government's fiscal trajectory, there's still a major shortage of elected officials who want to take the problem seriously.

There also seems to be a major shortage of the people demanding serious budget cuts too.

Just sayin'.

The 2024 Debt Spiral: How $1 Trillion in Interest Is Breaking the Federal Budget

Contrary to conventional wisdom, higher interest rates mean more inflation in the environment today.

That’s because the federal interest expense increases as interest rates rise.

As the federal interest expense rises, so does the budget deficit.

As the budget deficit increases, so does the currency debasement needed to finance it.

The Civil Religion has been a spectacular failure, yet faith in it persists.

Picking up the pieces and rebiilding society is going to be a long, difficult, and quite frankly, miserable task.

The Fall Of Civilizations = Money Lenders and DEBT

In most, if not all, justifications of war, resources and power have been the cause for centuries and millenniums. If you control the land, you own the resources. And if you control the money – you control the debt. The Ottoman Empire had no debt until the European Empire brought war in the mid to late 19th century. DEBT destroyed their economy. Debt imposed by Europe.

The Empire dissolved amidst rampant – debt. This same economic failure imposed by the money lenders and tax collectors has resulted in the need for a dissolution of The Western Empire – Debt. Inflation hit 500% in the Ottoman Empire as they attempted to restrain spending and failed. Today the West measures inflation in illusionary metrics designed to deceive the populace. But the reality is the same failure that caused the Ottoman Empire to be destroyed by The West is why the West must now suffer the same defeat. DEBT.

It should be obvious to all by now that the State is the very pith of chaos. For example, we couldn't have this destructive debt bomb without it.

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