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The Neglected Symbolism of the Lincoln Memorial

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From the National Park Service...

Secret Symbol of the Lincoln Memorial

While distracted by myths about faces in hair and letter-signing hands, many visitors miss the true meaning of the memorial and the ubiquitous symbol that carries that meaning. Instead of being hidden somewhere inaccessible, the symbol is deceptively obvious, right there under Abraham Lincoln's hands. This symbol is so overlooked that, even when pointed out, many observers will not recognize it. The symbol is that of fasces (FAS-eez), a bundle of rods bound by a leather thong. Repeated throughout the memorial, the fasces reveal the higher meaning of the Lincoln Memorial and the way the memorial's designers meant to honor Abraham Lincoln. [emphasis added]

Fasces at the base of the Lincoln Memorial steps depict the axe, an eagle, and thirteen bound rods.

"Fasces" is the root word of "fascism," the political ideology that was popular in the early 1900s. The park service, however, would like to assure us that "Over time, tastes, styles, words, and symbols' meanings change as new generations project their own values onto old ideas."


We're safe.

Hold on now.

Because the concept, the societal structure of fascism, is much older than the early 20th-century. It goes all the way back to the Roman Empire... and the Roman Catholic Church.

Much More Than an Economic Plan

Economically, it taught that competition is spiritually demeaning. Therefore, business, labor and the state must work together in vertically connected bodies of the economy called corporations. Each corporation, comprised of a group of Catholic leaders within a specific industry, manages the economy by setting quotas, prices and wages. The corporations regulate individual behavior to protect the social order and provide an equal standard of living for all. Abuses of power are prevented by the guidance of an ethically superior elite—individuals supposedly made moral and selfless by the teachings of the Catholic Church.

The ancient corporatism...


the theory and practice of organizing society into “corporations” subordinate to the state. According to corporatist theory, workers and employers would be organized into industrial and professional corporations serving as organs of political representation and controlling to a large extent the persons and activities within their jurisdiction.

Today, multinational companies and NGOs play the role of "industrial and professional corporations serving as organs of political representation".

Same as it ever was.

Now, meet the late Archbishop Hélder Pessoa Câmara, once number two in the pro-Nazi Ação Integralista Brasileira party, mentor to Klause Schwab and evangelist of (KGB-inspired) Liberation Theology.

Câmara was ordained a priest in 1931. In close collaboration with Monsignor Giovanni Montini (later Pope Paul VI), Câmara founded the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops in October 1952, shortly after he had been named auxiliary bishop of Rio de Janeiro. He was also one of the organizers of the Latin-American Conference of Bishops. (The birth of liberation theology is usually dated to the second of these conferences, held in Medellín, Colombia, in 1968.) As general secretary of the Brazilian conference for 11 years, Câmara encouraged the Brazilian church to take an active role in promoting social change.

Liberation theology, religious movement arising in late 20th-century Roman Catholicism and centred in Latin America. It sought to apply religious faith by aiding the poor and oppressed through involvement in political and civic affairs. It stressed both heightened awareness of the “sinful” socioeconomic structures that caused social inequities and active participation in changing those structures.

Marxist language and ideas, used to sucker sell the masses on their ancient feudal-fascist plot.

Why did I start with the Lincoln Memorial?

The Lincoln Memorial was planned, designed and completed during the "progressive era". In other words, they knew what they were doing all along. It was fascist on purpose.

Alexander Hamilton may be the father of American corporatism, but Uncle Abe was their corporate attorney, DC lobbyist, and as president, their muscle.

Lincoln, Crony Capitalism, and Populism

Lincoln’s War established a permanent, centralized regime of crony capitalism for the formerly federal U.S. In the centralized U.S., real power is in the hands of big business and big banks that use government to protect and increase their own private profit and wealth.

Lincoln implemented Henry Clay’s “American Plan”, without giving it a name. At the time, however, free enterprise worked well in the U.S., and the tax money Lincoln shoveled to corporations merely added to their profits. It benefited America’s emerging “Robber Barons”, but there was a lot left over for average working stiffs and living standards rose in consecutive boom and bust business cycles.

Since Lincoln, the U.S. economy has been directed by congresses and presidents for the benefit of major corporations and plutocrats. These politically-connected plutocrats looted America with increasing efficiency and imagination and caused a political reaction to develop which we know as populism.

Who else in American history could stand as a symbol of medieval brutality, Roman Empire style dictatorial government, and total State power better than Abraham Lincoln?

Lincoln was kind of a proto-commie too.

Marx and Lincoln: Comrades in the Making?

[I]t’s not surprising that the eventual founder of communism, Karl Marx, was watching Lincoln’s election and the subsequent Civil War with great interest across the pond in London. Earlier in his life, Marx had considered moving to the United States after the failed German Revolution in 1848. He was incensed at the sympathy the British Government had for the Confederates and supported the Union wholeheartedly.

Communism, progressivism and fascism are three peas in a pod.

Short Take: Progressivism is Fascism without Virtue

Most Americans think fascism became so evil because it advocated unlimited omnipotent government, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

But the left thinks nothing like this: they think the problem with fascism was that it was manly, and valued excellence.

If only it had been effete and degenerate then the absolute power would have been like a universal loving mother looking after everyone. Not, you know, a consuming backbiting nationwide concentration camp like the communist regimes became.

The left accepts every single principle of fascism, indeed it is impossible to find a structural difference between progressivism and fascism in terms of the actual governing and economic system...

they're both 3rd-way systems that claim to balance capitalism and communism by allowing private property, but allowing the government to regulate it totally (ie. not real private property), have totalitarian taxing and policing structures that allow no privacy or security in personal documents or transactions, massive standing militaries, a central government paramilitary police force (the SS, the FBI) whose main job is to hunt down disloyalty and ideological enemies, not least within the legacy decentralized governing institutions of the older republic, and a major emphasis on centralized control over the nature and content of public education such that no regions, sub-cultures, or ethnic subgroup can escape and propagate rivaled values.

Dump fascism.

Dump DC.

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