Every day more people are wondering about who really is in control... It's certainly not the voters.
Who really runs the world? Meet the puppet masters behind the puppet masters
Bilderberg recently announced plans to be more open and friendly to the press — but what about Le Cercle?
If Bilderberg is the shadowy conference everyone whispers about, Le Cercle is the one that doesn’t even make it into the conversation. For many readers, this may be the first time you’ve encountered the name.
So many reasons to hate progressivism, socialism, communism, whatever one wants to call it... Yet here's another one.
New rule could slash nicotine levels in tobacco products
The Biden administration is poised to try to lower the amount of nicotine in tobacco products, an eleventh-hour effort that’s been years in the making.
The move would give the White House one last chance to try to regulate tobacco, as it previously punted on finalizing a long-standing pledge to ban menthol-flavored cigarettes.
Pietism and socialism are inseparable.
Foreign Aid Is Like Watering Your Neighbors Yard While Your House is on FIRE!
It's a giant MIC money laundering scheme.
Happy New Year ‘Gift’ To Ukraine: MORE BILLIONS
What better way to start off a New Year than to give billions away?
Well, we’re in luck because the Biden Administration just announced $2.5 billion to Ukraine for security assistance.
But wait, there’s more!
They've (the CIA) been pushing vast cultural change for a very long time now.
The real meaning of TRANS
These three stories are being pushed to the limit, to usher in a new age, a new society, a new and transformed world.
Both left and right today see government as a solution... a great leap of faith indeed.
Let's roll up our sleeves, all of us, in 2025 and dedicate ourselves afresh to flourishing and creativity outside government. Why corrupt our recipes? Keep them in the private sector, where voluntaryism, free choice, and individual accountability steer the cultural agenda. One guy builds carbon. Another breeds fungi that eat PFAS. Another creates an anti-microbial sanitizer you can drink. Let's quit wasting time courting government favor and dedicate all our passion and heart to doing better what we already do well. My dad used to say "people still turn aside to see a burning bush." May we all be one.
Considering the geographic size of the US, with very large coastlines along 2 oceans... I'll say it...
Nobody was ever going to invade the US, nor will it happen any time soon.
Based on geography and population, Iraq was the size of Michigan back in 2003, when the most powerful military the world has ever known invaded... and never got control.
How many soldiers would they need to take conquet 340 million people, a great many of whom are armed? How much food, supplies, equipment, must they land? Unrealistic. Nobody's invading here.
Why Trump’s America First Doesn’t Require a $1 Trillion National Security Budget
If Donald Trump’s “America First” focused foreign policy means anything at all, it’s that the current $1 trillion national security budget is double the size that a muscular homeland defense shield actually requires. Indeed, it is no exaggeration to say that in relentless pursuit of its own self-serving aggrandizement, the military/industrial/intelligence complex has massively inflated America’s Warfare State into an “extra-large” when what is really needed in the world of 2024 is a snug-fitting “small.”
The basis for that stunning disconnect goes back deep into cold war history and its aftermath. The post-WWII policy of collective security, extensive alliances through NATO and its regional clones and globe-spanning military power projection capabilities and a network of 750 foreign bases was an epic historical mistake...
The fascists are everywhere these days.
When Zionism Resembles Nazism — And Neo-Fascists Side With Netanyahu
In her youth, over two consecutive summers, an Argentine filmmaker friend traveled to work as a volunteer on an Israeli kibbutz. Her leftist parents had sent her there to learn socialism, firsthand. She stopped going after to her surprise, the socialism she found in Israel was different from the one they'd imagined and talked about at home.
This is not an isolated case. In Europe and Latin America, there are plenty of leftist politicians who volunteered in their youth, for a few months or years, on Israeli kibbutzim.
Zionism shares with Nazism the claims of building what they call "National Socialism." Both projects are based on the idea of establishing a new homeland, large and dominant, in which its superior citizens are equal among themselves.
Dump DC!