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Global Fascism In a Nutshell

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Amazing! Something I, in my long, slow, convoluted way, am trying to get at on this blog.

There are a multitude of things going on, and many nefarious, sometimes competing, organizations involved too. But it's all heading in one direction, which is fascism. On a massive global scale.

One of the most important, yet neglected, events in American history, took place at the end of World War 2. The CIA and military recruited a couple thousand Nazis, and helped countless others escape persecution across the globe.

And those old National Socialists have been quite busy "community organizing", building a global power structure and panapticon.

The Fourth Reich

[A]t the end of World War 2, the German government surrendered, but not the Nazi party. Another great author, Peter Levenda, has done yeoman’s work ferretting out the ratlines that helped top Nazis escape Europe, in addition, the US (Operation Paper Clip) and USSR (Operation Osoaviakhim) grabbed prize Nazis for their respective space programs and other “research” and intelligence networks.

The result is that we have a global network of ideologically aligned individuals and organizations leveraging their network to affect global events and chage. A zoo of Quasi-Governmental Organizations (QGOs) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) effectively dictate policies and socio-economic initiatives toward a singular goal: world governance (not government). It is my contention that most or all of these QGOs and NGOs are created and run by fascist ideologues looking to create a global pyramidal power structure with fully isolated, even invisible corporate overlords at the pyramidion running the show.

It is no secret that fleeing Nazis had access to vast amounts of wealth, generated either by controlling interests in megacorps like IG Farben, or looted from national and personal treasuries and vaults of conquered peoples. Just one minor example is the gold dumped in Lake Halstatt, Austria.

The looted wealth, and the intricate network of financial ties to corporations around the world has enabled the fascists to slowly dominate global power structures, either through enormous holding companies, like BlackRock and Vanguard, or by direct lobbying of national governments through the QGO/NGO networks, to enact enabling legislation that favors the networks and channels wealth to and through them.

The goal is to establish a rigid pyramid of command and control, wherein nations are subsumed into 18 regional “economic unions”. The 18 unions are then placed under the control of global organizations specialized in specific areas, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), World Health Organization (WHO), World Bank/International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Standards Organization (ISO), and so on. The UN itself is a QGO, which coordinates funding and operations for the other organizations, functioning as the legal framework for the whole mess.

Examples of regional economic and trade organizations include North American Free Trade Association (NAFTA), the European Trade Organization (ETO), Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). These groups effect policies at the national and regional level on behalf of the global organizations, by recommending/pressuring individual nations to adopt policy packages attached to various financial rewards.

National governments are thus the enforcement arm for the global power structure, and the touch point where it all meets us regular folks.

Go read the whole thing! Then read it again.

Hardly a relic of the past, Nazis are alive, well, and dominating global governance.

Klaus Schwab Reimagining The Fourth Reich Democracy

Nearly every google entry declares that The Protocols are fake. The main reasoning? Because they speak ill of Jews. Yet they align perfectly with the World Economic Forum Goals – as created by Klaus Schwab – a Jew who claims to have been raised Roman Catholic. Schwab’s father collaborated with the WWII Nazi’s through his company, Escher Wyss, yet was never remanded or disciplined for this terrorism. Why? Schwab’s wife, Hilde Stoll, is also of Jewish heritage.

In working in conjunction with The Club of Rome, Schwab was schooled in the ideology that global warming, pollution, famine, etc… were of no consequence to the planet and realized that the real enemy is humanity itself. Therefore, if earth is to survive, the vast majority of humanity – must die. And this belief was put in practice via Big Pharma, Bill Gates and The Zion Military.

The collusion that both Schwab and Soros share in their Nazi aligned histories despite their Jewish race is an interesting contrast to the Hollywood inspired factoid that the Holocaust was about Jews. But it wasn’t just Schwab who took refuge in Switzerland, Henri de Rothschild also found safety in Switzerland...

In essence what the Zion diaspora has managed to do is flip the narrative to that of a Jewish Holocaust as coined in a Hollywood account sometime in the 1970’s.

Antisemitism is aligned with Nazism. Yet we have three quite prominent Jewish dynasties which collaborated with the Nazis during WWII. Explaining how and why Nazi scientists survived and were spirited into the US, Canada, Argentina, and Switzerland....

In the US, human rights have been abolished. Peace has existed for 17 out of the last 250 years. Given that elections have always been a proxy of the UK and Zion establishment, governance is vested in war hawks. And ‘sustainable development’ is a creation of the Klaus Schwab Zion Protocols advocating for mass depopulation in order to sustain earth for the Chosen Ones.

In other words, democracy today does not exist and plausibly has never existed. But the term has been used as a means of mass hypnosis to demonize anyone who does not Follow The Master Craft of the Cartel – Rothschild...

The world is more complicated than the Red Team vs. Blue Team charade... And every Official Narrative is falling apart.

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