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Cow Farts and Oligarchs

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The billionaire and megalomaniac, Bill Gates, is obsessed with cow farts. Personally, I think he's gone mad.

Nobody should take this guy seriously anymore. No matter what it is he's talking about.

Bill Gates Wants to Do What to Our Food Supply?

Billionaire Bill Gates is calling for the drugging of the world's beef supply in order to meet "climate change" goals.

"Cows are about five percent of global emissions, which is pretty unbelievable, and if your goal is to get to zero, you don't get to skip the cows... So there's a whole class of solutions of making meat without cows," Gates lamented on a podcast, advocating people eat lab grown meat from a vat.

"One is to vaccinate the cows in a way that their gut bacteria that emit the methane, which is also called natural gas for CH4, which is the second most important greenhouse gas, you can vaccinate them and that species of bacteria isn't there," he continued.

Democrats on Capitol Hill, including failed presidential candidate and Vice President Kamala Harris, endorsed banning beef in the Green New Deal.

Jeff Bezos, another creepy oligarch, is also bankrolling cow fart drugs.

Does money turn one’s mind to mush? Or is it just plain old-fashioned blackmail?

Because none of this makes sense.

Our Neofeudal Overlords really hate cows and all that farting they do. In fact, they'd like to tax real meat right out of existence.

Liberal Elite At UN Climate Conference Calls For Meat Tax

The UN Climate Change Conference, known this year as COP29, kicked off on Monday and will last through the 22nd of this month. Many of the usual climate grifters have skipped the event as de-growth ‘green’ policies in the US are being prepared to be rolled back to some degree under a Trump presidency...

One particular speech by Willem Branten, the public affairs officer of True Animal Protein Price (TAPP) Coalition, a non-profit foundation focused on taxing real meat out of existence to reset the global food supply chain into a planet-based future, caught the internet’s attention given radical far left and their billionaire funders have been pushing fake meat and insects as a way to solve the so-called ‘climate crisis.’...

Cows passing gas are destroying the planet... has got to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.

And more than a little dystopian.


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